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WRI has commercialized twelve advanced water purification (AWP) plants for terrestrial applications and two for marine applications, making WRI one of the most innovative firms in the Water Industry.

Its first line of patented products, AquaTex 360, 720, and Ultra, were designed to reclaim, treat and recycle laundry graywater.

Beginning in 1989, WRI sold this family of laundry graywater products to hotels, resorts, hospitals and commercial laundries. Today, WRI has installed over 50 laundry graywater systems - reclaiming, cleaning, and recycling millions of gallons of water daily.

In the late 1990's, AquaTex™ CT was engineered and patented as reclamation and advanced oxidation technology to treat and recycle cooling tower water.

As demand and technology evolved, WRI began designing AWP plants using advanced membrane, ultraviolet, and batch reactor devices, allowing the company to expand into the industrial process market in the 2000's, and most recently, the marine wastewater market in 2007.

Today, clients include Four Seasons, Westin, Mission Industries, Crothall, Alcoa, General Dynamics, the US Navy and Army, Royal Caribbean, and dozens more notable companies. Sales to six clients in Australia are also under negotiation.

Current R&D efforts focus on commercializing a creative biofuel cell technology with the J. Craig Venter Institute in San Diego, CA.

Industrial Products:
See our five products for treating industrial process water including AquaTex™ COG for mobile deployment to natural gas and oil fields...

Municipal Products:
WRI offers traditional water and wastewater purification plants as well as Sustainable Community Utility Solutions...

Marine Products

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